ACPJ is frequently open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm

202 Harvard Drive SE, Albuquerque NM 87106

Please call ahead to confirm that a volunteer is at the front desk:

(505) 268-9557

To communicate with us:

To schedule an event or book the Peace Hall:

To communicate with the treasurer:

You are invited to monthly Coordinating Council meetings at the Peace Center. Next Meeting is Thursday, Feb. 20, 6-8pm, and a Zoom link will also be posted here the day of. 

A plea for folks to work the Front Desk - interested volunteers should call the Peace Center at 505-268-9557 and leave a message for Nancy Harmon, who is our Volunteer Coordinator.

     We also need a new white dry erase board (or two) pretty badly. The one we have has a worn out surface now, and doesn't clean well. It's a Quartet 4'x6’ board, which is the ideal size. Other items on our wish list can be found at the bottom of the "Donate" page on this website.

Connect with us!

Coordinating Council -

Bob Anderson (Chair)

Peter Neils (Vice-Chair)

Alicia Rodriguez (Secretary)

Jeanne Pahls (Treasurer)

Luna Olavarria Gallegos

Che Olavarria Gallegos

Barbara Tiwald