Your Contribution Is Invaluable

We are a member-based organization.

To donate online, click the green button. You can also mail your check to: 

ACPJ, 202 Harvard Dr. SE, Albuquerque NM 87106

 Financial reports are distributed at our CC meetings. 

You can also click on "Coordinating Council Documents" tab at the top of the page.

Your donation will help:

We will be delighted to chat with you in person. 

Please call us at 505 268 9557, or send us an electronic message at

If you would like your online donation earmarked for a specific purpose, please let us know in the notes section of the donation page, and also email the same info to to make certain we get it. Thanks!

Folks who would like to support the UNM Solidarity Encampment activists, and any other activists that may need help in the future, have a way to do this. Donations can be made to the Activist Fund from this page, in the manner described above. 

Please note that if you want your donation to go to the Activist Fund you need to make a note on the note line or on Paypal that says "activist fund". 

These popular signs are available for sale in the office!

Hard at work: Andreas, Dar and Jeanne


Thank you :)